0805 LXF D
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Protection against flames. There are many cases where the Burn C blanket have demonstrated to be a vital device when fighting fire. A perfect thermal isolator for burns. The blanket: an essential element for premedication of severely burnt people. The immediate cooling of the burns will relieve the victim; this analgesic action can be very important. Easy to use, non-allergenic, it facilitates the transportation of burnt people and maintains them in good conditions. The dimension of the blanket will allow an easy control of the victim. The half blanket: used for children or for localized burns.

  • It helps rescue victims entrapped in buildings on fire
  • It allows to rescue people when their clothes are in flames
  • It protects and allows to free people out of a car on fire
  • Allows to escape through fire
  • It suffocates 50% of the flames in a fire
  • It is able to protect flammable materials