Non Woven Stretcher Sheet Material - Polystyrene
Qty - 1 pc
Type - Disposable

Non Woven Stretcher Sheet

Isothermal Sheet

Ideal to use during Ambulances, travel sickness, handy and hygienic for homes, hospitals, clinics, buses, cars, airlines.
Indispensable device in the first aid of traumatized and burnt patients.
Provides protection from the cold with the silver part towards the body: it reflects the heat of the body and avoids hypothermia.
Allows protection from the heat if the gold part of the sheet is next to the body: the sun rays are reflected allowing the body to remain fresh.
Made of aluminumized polystyrene sheets.
Single packaging in individual packet.
Perfect for Patients, car sick kids, pregnant women, or drunk passengers, etc.


Regular Size
Affordable, durable and value for money

Accessories - Optional

Box to store 100 sheets